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The Rise Of Mobile Spray Rigs: Why Mobile Applicators Are Revolutionizing The Coatings Industry

    The Rise Of Mobile Spray Rigs

    How mobile applicators are revolutionizing the coatings industry


    Paints and coatings are nothing new – far from it. There’s evidence we’ve been decorating and protecting our structures and possessions for tens of thousands of years. Over this incredible time span, many things have changed, not least the materials we employ or the tools and technology involved at every step of the process. But until only recently, there’s been at least one thing that hasn’t changed; if you wanted to coat something, it’s more than likely that something would be brought to one location for coating and then to another where it’s used. This isn’t exactly optimal, especially not over the last century as structures and their components have only gotten larger and now come from disparate parts of the country if not the world. How do you bring bridges down for servicing? And what about when a surface is entirely immovable? There’s a not-so-new demand for better mobility in coatings services, and now the industry has its solution: mobile spray rigs. Exactly as it sounds, mobile spray rigs – or mobile applicators – take all the tools, equipment, and materials on the road and directly to a surface’s location. It’s one innovation that accomplishes a several-fold improvement in efficiency, so it’s no surprise that they’re quickly revolutionizing the coatings industry. 

    ArmorThane mobile coatings unit on-site


    We think that one of the primary explanations for the rise of mobile spray rigs is what we like to call mutually assured production – clever, we know. What we mean by this is that mobile spray rigs don’t just benefit the applicator, nor do they solely advantage the customer; both parties stand to gain from the use of mobile applicators. Providers gain a powerful new tool in their toolbelt, drastically expanding the scope of their potential projects and allowing businesses to expand their customer base. Moreover, applicators are providing a highly in-demand service by bringing their coatings to the customer. There’s no logistical headache, no cost of transportation, and no delay caused by the entire process. In other words, this is an often better, if not premium, servicing option, and that can be reflected in the service costs. For the customer, the same benefits offer to improve their experience as well. They too now have access to coatings they may previously have been unable to obtain, and likewise save on time and money because of how much faster and easier it is to bring the coating facility to the structure instead of vice versa. It’s a win-win, and when everyone’s a winner, you can all but guarantee a new technology to take hold.
    Armorthene mobile coatings


    We’ve already shared some of the main advantages of mobile spray rigs, but there are three key benefits in particular that highlight the power of mobile applications:
    Professional in spray gear inside coatings unit

    Flexibility &

    Flexibility & Adaptability

    We’re sorry to state the obvious, but it’s important that this not be overlooked; mobile spray rigs are – mobile. They can be moved anywhere a motor vehicle can, and then some, which means that they’re the pinnacle of flexible deployment. They’re designed to adapt to challenging requirements and give coatings businesses the means to take all their work on the go. This alone is revolutionary.

    ArmorThane Mobile Coatings Unit

    Transportation Costs
    & Logistical Demands

    The challenge and expense of coordinating the back and forth between locations is significant, and exists as a major pain point for the industry. Streamlining the process with mobile applicators greatly reduces the cost of a new installation and makes life easier for the provider and the customer alike.
    Professional mobile spray rig interior setup

    Project Duration &
    Downtime Minimization

    It doesn’t really matter whether or not you have an urgent deadline or all the time in the world; we’re sure we can all agree that a faster coatings project is better than a slower coatings project. Mobile spray rigs cut out a previously long and difficult part of the process so that projects are scheduled sooner and finished faster, minimizing downtime and maximizing operability. 
    Polyurea spray coating application process

    The future of the coating industry is ever uncertain, but there are a few predictions most experts agree on, one of which is that mobile applicators are expected to continue to rise in prominence. There’s a growing need only recently being met for on-site coatings applications of the same quality and with the same scope of capabilities as those found at dedicated facilities. The future of the coatings industry is mobile.

    Many of the most exciting and impactful new coating technologies aren’t found in the coatings themselves but rather in some of the tools and equipment that bring them to life. In particular, new mobile spray rigs are beginning to see widespread adoption. They allow applicators to go mobile, bringing the full suite of their capabilities anywhere they’re needed.

    The coatings industry might not be trendy in the traditional sense, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t experience its own share of industry fads or here-to-stay long-term trends. One of the most explosive and established trends has been the rise of mobile spray rigs, meeting evolving customer demands and improving the quality of services.


    If you own or operate a business that applies high-performance protective coatings like ArmorThane’s polyurea and polyurethane, mobile spray rigs can be a game-changer for you and your customers. However, it’s essential that your spray rig is your spray rig. Meaning, every coating operation is different – the type of customers, the industry, the materials, and much more vary between applicators, and you can’t just rely on a generalized system. That’s why we offer custom mobile spray rigs that are tailor-made to your needs. Pick your size and format, define your equipment needs, share your preferences, and we’ll build you the mobile spray rig of your dreams. To learn more about how we can help design your own custom mobile spray rig, give us a call or fill out our contact form. Welcome to ArmorThane; now let’s protect our world together – on the go!
    mobile spray rigs




    ArmorThane has built a strong reputation over the past 30 years for producing high-quality, durable protective coatings.
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