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Containment Coatings


    Many industries require containment coatings to prevent hazardous chemicals and materials from polluting the environment. But traditional containment systems made of concrete or steel aren’t suitable for every situation. That’s where polyurea comes in. In this post, we will discuss how polyurea is the solution for containment problems.

    Secondary containment box

    CONTAINMENT solution

    ArmorThane products prevent oil, fuel and chemical spills from becoming environmental hazards, extensive property damage and personnel exposure. With the many applications for our products, dealers are taking the Mobile coating Units into oil fields and industrial sites to contain various materials. This involves dealers building berms and trenches using geotextile materials like soil, sand and gravel, then spraying a coating of either polyurethane or polyurea. This has been the best solution since concrete or metal containment can deteriorate over time and is more expensive than geotextile components.


    What is it, and how does it work?

    Polyurea is the solution for all secondary containment needs. Its physical properties make it the perfect solution across many industries. Flexible polyurea can conform to any surface shape or size without cracking or straining, making it great for coating shapes. It’s a barrier against lubricants, acids and other spill prone chemicals. Polyurea coatings are safe for food processing equipment since they are compound and solvent free. Plus polyurea is temperature and weather durable making it the perfect choice for installations.

    Another advantage of using polyurea in secondary containment applications is the ease of installation. These coatings are sprayed onto surfaces eliminating the need to cut or weld materials. This saves labor. And minimizes downtime since polyurea coatings cure quickly. Traditional coatings like concrete require curing periods. Which can be weather dependent and cause project delays.

    Plus polyurea is abrasion and impact resistant. Equipment and foot traffic can damage containment areas. Polyurea coating is designed to resist that. Polyurea coatings are also resistant to chemicals and water exposure. These coatings are durable so the containment will function for years to come.

    Using polyurea coatings also benefits the environment by containing materials in facilities. Adding polyurea to containment systems protects the environment from pollutants. Polyurea is also VOC and toxin free so in case of a spill or mishap cleaning it up with polyurea poses no threat to the environment.



    Polyurea is a cost effective, durable and practical solution for secondary containment in any industrial facility. Its physical properties make it great for complex shapes, temperature changes and outdoor installations. Quick cure and ease of installation are also reasons why polyurea coatings are the obvious choice for containment systems. Plus abrasion, impact and chemical resistance and environmental benefits like VOC and toxin free makeup makes polyurea the solution for all secondary containment needs.

    ArmorThane Polyurea is the best option for secondary containment. Our polyurea is designed for safety and to provide long lasting containment solutions that are cost effective and easy to install. Our polyurea is a special blend that is resistant to many chemicals so it’s great for areas that need extra protection.

    Affordable Solutions

    ArmorThane Polyurea provides an option for cost containment solutions. Our polyurea is easy to install, saving you time and money. Additionally, our polyurea is highly resistant to chemicals, reducing the need for replacements compared to other containment materials.

    Flexible and Tailored

    We have personalized and flexible solutions with ArmorThane Polyurea. Our polyurea can be applied to any surface, so it’s great for containment needs. And it can be customized to match your facility’s look and functionality for a reliable containment solution.

    In today’s fast-paced world where time and durability are key, polyurea-based secondary containment solutions are a modern and innovative way to protect the environment and your assets. For professionals in industries that deal with waste and materials, polyurea based secondary containment systems is an advantage over other materials to have safe and secure containment of hazardous leaks, spills and waste.


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