containment SYSTEM
ArmorThane’s containment system is designed to create effective barriers that are durable, powerful, impenetrable, indestructible, fail-proof, leak-proof, and crack-resistant.
The oil will sit within the spill containment area, without harming anything or anyone in and around the working site.
ArmorThane has made the installation and setup simple and straightforward. The professionals will be dispatched to the site to handle the installation. It will be done in no time so that you and your company can focus on your job.
The ArmorThane containment system is heavy duty and versatile. No matter how rigorous your production process, this containment system will be in prime condition to protect the property from leaking or spilling oils.
To meet your spill containment needs, ArmorThane offers the complete package wherein there are the complete oil containment components. Not only to make your workspace compliant to the regulations but also to make sure to prevent the incidents from happening. And when the unfortunate things take place, the oil containment system can minimize the risks. With the proper containment system from ArmorThane, your company will be protected from the dangers and risks.