Depending on the industry you are in charge of, your government and its agencies enforce the laws and regulations on how we protect the environment from oil and gas contamination. The containment of fluids needs to be maintained and enforced in any gas and oil sites.
To establish a well-made and reliable containment system, ArmorThane offers the best solution in the industry. It utilizes the most advanced technology within the oil containment system to protect your company from liability. With extensive research, trial, and error, ArmorThane manufacturers dedicate their best efforts to creating and running a sound system that meets or exceeds regulations depending on where your business is located.
To establish a well-made and reliable containment system, ArmorThane offers the best solution in the industry. It utilizes the most advanced technology within the oil containment system to protect your company from liability. With extensive research, trial, and error, ArmorThane manufacturers dedicate their best efforts to creating and running a sound system that meets or exceeds regulations depending on where your business is located.
ArmorThane’s containment system is designed to create effective barriers that are durable, powerful, impenetrable, indestructible, fail-proof, leak-proof, and crack-resistant.
The oil will sit within the spill containment area, without harming anything or anyone in and around the working site.
ArmorThane has made the installation and setup simple and straightforward. The professionals will be dispatched to the site to handle the installation. It will be done in no time so that you and your company can focus on your job.
The ArmorThane containment system is heavy duty and versatile. No matter how rigorous your production process, this containment system will be in prime condition to protect the property from leaking or spilling oils.
To meet your spill containment needs, ArmorThane offers the complete package wherein there are the complete oil containment components. Not only to make your workspace compliant to the regulations but also to make sure to prevent the incidents from happening. And when the unfortunate things take place, the oil containment system can minimize the risks. With the proper containment system from ArmorThane, your company will be protected from the dangers and risks.
ArmorThane has made the installation and setup simple and straightforward. The professionals will be dispatched to the site to handle the installation. It will be done in no time so that you and your company can focus on your job.
The ArmorThane containment system is heavy duty and versatile. No matter how rigorous your production process, this containment system will be in prime condition to protect the property from leaking or spilling oils.
To meet your spill containment needs, ArmorThane offers the complete package wherein there are the complete oil containment components. Not only to make your workspace compliant to the regulations but also to make sure to prevent the incidents from happening. And when the unfortunate things take place, the oil containment system can minimize the risks. With the proper containment system from ArmorThane, your company will be protected from the dangers and risks.
The oil containment technology from ArmorThane includes the effective and efficient management of oil spills with lower maintenance costs.
It is a reliable passive oil leak and spill management system which provides a resilient and robust setup that can protect people, objects, and our environment against oil spills and leaks.
The oil containment system from ArmorThane works uniquely in the containment area. The system will allow the water from rain, snow, or others to pass through the barrier layers. The barriers will let the water pass without accumulating. But it retains the oil which might leak from the oil environment equipment like a transformer.
It is a reliable passive oil leak and spill management system which provides a resilient and robust setup that can protect people, objects, and our environment against oil spills and leaks.
The oil containment system from ArmorThane works uniquely in the containment area. The system will allow the water from rain, snow, or others to pass through the barrier layers. The barriers will let the water pass without accumulating. But it retains the oil which might leak from the oil environment equipment like a transformer.
As we know, the traditional coatings have procured some problems which the oil industry must face. Many companies have problems with conventional coatings, which are not flexible or elastic enough to handle the ground movement. When they are not flexible, the risks of cracking will be much higher. If you leave it behind, it will be a big problem in your containment.
ArmorThane uses flexible coatings such as polyurea, which has overcome the problem. When applied to the ground, concrete, or other surfaces, the polyurea will do a great job in protecting the substrate. This material is flexible so that it won’t be affected by the movement of the surface.
If your company needs a new oil containment system, don’t hesitate to reach us now at ArmorThane. You won’t regret your decision.
ArmorThane uses flexible coatings such as polyurea, which has overcome the problem. When applied to the ground, concrete, or other surfaces, the polyurea will do a great job in protecting the substrate. This material is flexible so that it won’t be affected by the movement of the surface.
If your company needs a new oil containment system, don’t hesitate to reach us now at ArmorThane. You won’t regret your decision.
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ArmorThane has built a strong reputation over the past 30 years for producing high-quality, durable protective coatings.
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Tel: 417.831.5090