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How To Protect Steel Railway Structures


    ArmorThane’s Polyurea Anti-Corrosion Coatings for Protecting Steel Structures and Surfaces


    Railroads were once the crown jewel of the United States; manifest destiny captured the hearts and minds of many Americans, epitomized by the completion of the first transcontinental railroad less than a century after the country’s founding. Infrastructure at this size and scale had never been seen before, and in fact, it wouldn’t have been possible without the inception of the modern steel industry only several decades earlier. With mass-produced steel enormous structures with incredible load-bearing capacity could be used to construct new and improved infrastructure, which at the time, was largely centered around the railroad. Since then steel has become all but ubiquitous for trains and railways structures like bridges that have only become stronger and more sophisticated with time. But while steel structures are bigger and better today than ever before, the same challenges that plagued early railway structures remain, most notably, corrosion. An ever present concern for most metal surfaces, steel railway structures are no different, except that the consequences of unmitigated degradation can have more significant economic, environmental, and human safety concerns than for most other types of steel structures. It’s therefore essential to take additional steps to protect steel railways from rust and corrosion along with other chemical and mechanical risk factors. To this end, protective coatings like ArmorThane’s polyurea can be used as a reliable, cost-effective, and long-lasting technology, proven to perform across the test of time in myriad environments across the globe. But how does it work, and why are ArmorThane’s polyurea formulations the best solution available?

    Protecting Steel Railway Structures


    Like any application of a high-performance coating, the process begins with meticulous surface preparation. For steel structures, surface preparation usually starts with mechanical modification, specifically using a sandblaster to create a smooth and even surface. After physical alterations are made, the pre-treated surface can then be chemically prepared using ArmorPrimer, our specialty pre-coating technology that’s perfect for steel railway structures. It helps create a dampness barrier, fills imperfections, and improves the quality of adhesion between the primary coatings system and the surface of the steel structure. With that, steel structures are ready for the installation of a new high-performance coatings system, and it’s time to use the fabled hot spray technique.

    steel railway structures spray coatings
    Railway bridge construction
    steel railway coatings


    The hot spray technique underpins polyurea spray on coatings, where as its name suggests, precursor materials are heated before being ejected as a mixture that reacts as it’s applied to produce polyurea membranes. For steel surfaces like railway structures, the hot spray technique offers several key advantages. First, this technique is ideal for steel thicker than 5 mm; easily exceeded by most steel railway structures. Secondly, this technique makes it easy to coat large areas irrespective of their shapes and locations; rapidly and controllably ejected from high-pressure spray equipment, professional applicators are trained to work quickly without compromising on installation quality. Lastly, the hot spray technique is simply more effective. A successful coating system is one where the final result is a single uniform membrane, with no gaps, non-uniformities, or contamination, and this technique makes it harder to fail than to succeed. Finally and perhaps best of all, after application, it takes as little as a few minutes for polyurea to cure, pairing rapid application with one of the fastest curing times of any commercially available protective coating. So is it therefore the technique we have to thank for such exceptional steel protection? Well, certainly, but ultimately it comes down to the incredible properties of polyurea technology, especially when formulated and manufactured by a leader like ArmorThane.
    railway structures polyurea coatings


    Surface preparation is key, and the hot spray technique is likewise invaluable, but the magic is really found in polyurea itself. Known as an all-purpose, full-surface protective coating, polyurea can do it all. Strong and flexible, safer and more sustainable, and compatible with most common structural materials including wood, glass, plastics, concrete, and yes, steel, polyurea is found on just about every type of surface you can think of. But it’s not just polyurea’s compatibility that afford its versatility; polyurea is famous for its robust and customizable physical properties, where different formulations can be optimized for specific applications. From foundation waterproofing to military blast mitigation, there’s a polyurea formulation that can meet both your cost and performance requirements, especially when you partner with a coatings expert like ArmorThane. For nearly 40 years, ArmorThane has been at the forefront of polyurea and polyurethane technology, growing with the sector to stay on the cutting-edge of the latest and greatest coatings innovations. Capable of resisting chemical corrosion, forceful impacts, harsh abrasion, and countless other operational and environmental risk factors, our coatings are your all-in-one solution for the best in steel protection.

    Steel railway protective coating process
    Steel is a ubiquitous construction material, especially for structures that are designed to support heavy loads and withstand exposure to challenging environments. This is true whether we’re talking about a skyscraper or a railway, and while the steel itself has changed over the years, the motivations for using it have not. The major difference is that today there exist complementary technologies to support steel’s performance in a variety of contexts, such as ArmorThane polyurea for advanced corrosion resistance.
    Steel is a common structural material specifically because it’s strong and durable, but that’s a far cry from being invincible. The biggest threat to steel structures is corrosion, or rust, where water, air, and other corrosive chemicals can degrade metal structures to risk their safe and effective load bearing capacity. To protect against corrosion, high-performance spray elastomer technology like polyurea can be used to insulate steel surfaces in a watertight membrane to keep them safe from corrosion and other surface hazards.
    Polyurea cures rapidly, which can be as much a major disadvantage as it is a key benefit. With only a small window of time between deposition and curing, there’s little room for error before mistakes become permanent. Moreover, due to their superior quality, polyurea coatings can cost more than other popular alternatives, although the upfront costs are typically off-set by the benefits of long-term performance enhancements.



    Global infrastructure needs a serious overhaul, not least including steel railway structures that continue to serve as major arteries of economic activity. With ArmorThane, protecting steel structures is easier than ever before. Since our humble beginnings more than 35 years ago, we’ve become the world’s one-stop shop for everything polyurea and polyurethane, and can serve as your single destination for all of your coatings needs. Whether for a small section of track or one of the largest steel railway structures anywhere in the country, we have all the tools and expertise to tackle any project with ease, and have yet to face a problem we couldn’t solve. So contact us today to learn more about how we can become your partner for better locomotion, and discover why we’ve been the best in the business year after year.


    ArmorThane has built a strong reputation over the past 30 years for producing high-quality, durable protective coatings.
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    I am a chemist with a specialization in nanotechnology and applied materials chemistry. My work has focused on the characterization of optoelectronic materials, namely including semiconductor nanocrystals.


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