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Gain a Competitive Edge and Increase Revenue with ArmorThane’s Polyurea and Polyurethane Coatings


Automotive dealerships are legacy businesses as old and as profitable as almost any other staple American enterprise. But the problem with competing in such established industries is that it can be difficult to create and maintain a competitive advantage that’s successful at generating new leads, keeping existing customers returning, and ultimately maximizing profitability. One solution to this challenge is product or service diversification, meaning that a dealership can set itself apart by offering a wider array of unique and complementary products that appeal to evolving customer demands. For this purpose there’s no better addition to any automotive dealership than ArmorThane’s polyurea and polyurethane protective coatings. They represent an exciting opportunity for dealerships to expand their offerings in a way that adds both immediate and long-term value but without complicating operations or sacrificing reliable revenue streams. Our advanced formulations of an already innovative technology provide superior all-purpose protection compared to more traditional paints and coatings while also affording customization options that customers today seek in greater numbers than ever before, particularly for trucks, SUVs, and fleet vehicles. Integrating our coatings into your service menu lets you erect a highly efficient new revenue stream in the form of a premium upgrade that improves vehicle longevity and visual appeal simultaneously.



Out of all the possible vehicles, parts, accessories, and services that a dealership can choose to incorporate into their business, why prioritize protective coatings? The answer to this question can be summarized with one word: opportunities. Most alternatives target a niche with limited revenue potential for one reason or another and with more than a few drawbacks to boot. For example, perhaps a dealership decides to expand their vehicle portfolio by offering double the number of trims or models than they previously had. This may indeed provoke more interest that turns into sales, but should the dealership now expect double the sales? Of course not; not even close! And that’s to say nothing about the logistical difficulties and overhead costs. Instead, let’s imagine what can happen when a dealership chooses to integrate protective coatings, which, have broader appeal, are relevant to both past and future purchases, serve more than just one purpose, and require little investment of time or money to offer. Such a scenario translates to a highly efficient revenue stream without any of the costs or headaches of almost every alternative. They can be used to create truck bedliners for heavy-haulers, apply custom colors or finishes that match with personal preferences or business branding, protect vehicle chassis, and then we’re only just getting started. Such multi-purpose functionality makes it all but guaranteed to increase revenue and affords a clear competitive advantage that establishes and maintains customer loyalty.

polyurea protective coatings