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EnviroThane Logo

Environmental Stewardship Through Industrial Strength Protection

group 616 66f767b2ce6e9

Application Method

group 617 66f767af452bd

Typical Packaging

modified Polyurea

EnviroThane’s name comes from its mission: to protect people and the environment from the dangers of containment failure. Part of our high-pressure series of ArmorLine spray-on products, EnviroThane is a fast-set, spray-applied hybrid polyurea coating. It’s a two-component system made of 100% solids and contains no volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), which plays a key role in achieving its mission. But where EnviroThane truly earns its namesake is in its deployment; EnviroThane is specifically designed to coat geotextile fabrics used in secondary containment, forming a seamless, durable liner that helps prevent spills or leaks, and mitigates damage when they do occur.

envirothane drums ArmorThane Coating

More Details

EnviroThane is the perfect solution for containing wastewater, fuels, industrial chemicals, and many other types of hazardous substances, using robust impact resistance to prevent containment failure and leveraging broad-scope chemical resistance when the worst does come to bear. Moreover, EnviroThane possesses many of the same characteristic advantages of any high-performance polyurea coating, including abrasion resistance, a powerful combination of toughness and flexibility, and application versatility, which, together with its safer and more sustainable chemical profile, make it a leading technology for safeguarding people and the environment.

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