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In the ever-expanding cannabis market, grow facilities encounter more and more competition every day. New indoor cultivation enterprises are often set up in formerly vacant industrial buildings and commercial spaces. Some companies plan and construct new growth facilities from the ground up. For all these facilities, continuously reducing production costs while supplying the highest possible quality in ever-increasing yields is the pathway to ensuring a prosperous business. Concrete floors are ubiquitous throughout most cannabis-growing facilities, whether existing or new. With the proper treatment, these indoor concrete traffic surfaces can significantly contribute to a company attaining its operational goals. Alternatively, insufficiently protected concrete floors can create annoying and costly barriers to accomplishing company goals.
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Like every other new industry, widespread acceptance and market expansion bring regulation to the cultivation of cannabis. Local governments pay greater focus on how cannabis cultivation facilities are constructed and managed. Alongside the usual concerns of safety in the construction and working conditions for employees, and tax incentives elected officials are becoming subject to pressure by their constituents to study the effects of cannabis cultivation on their localities. The high energy usage for lights in the grow room, and high use of water are only one part of the equation. The requirements for humidity and temperature could be comparable to the indoor swimming pool setting. Although moisture and warmth are perfect for the growth of cannabis they also create the perfect conditions to encourage the growth and expansion of fungi as well as other harmful microorganisms. Thus, it is important to ensure the health of plants in a moist indoor climate. Carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment of the grow room air is a common practice that has proven to boost crop yields also presents a health and safety issue in urban areas with high density. A lot of cannabis cultivation facilities create plants that are destined for medicinal or pharmacological use and pose a number of issues. This alone requires attention from regulators for the health of the consumer. In the end, producers must be aware of the changes in the industry’s regulations of federal and local agencies regarding their operations, facilities, and the products they sell.

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