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Spray On Bedliners VS DIY Kits: Which are best?

    spray on bedliners vs diy bedliner kits

    We wanted to clear the air on some info regarding DIY bedliners vs. sprayed bedliners. There are some people out there posting that DIY kits are the way to go, and we have to say, either they have never compared the DIY to actual sprayed on bedliners, or they have no idea what they are talking about. 

    DIY bedliner customers come into our applicators shops every week and ask how to fix the mistakes made on the DIY bedliner they did over the weekend with their buddy over a case of brewskies. 

    LET's take a look at some simple math

    One gallon of the DIY product costs around $100, which they say will do one full-size pick-up bed. Most ArmorThane bedliner applicators use around 5 gallons of product to spray a full-size pick-up bed which costs anywhere from $450-525. So just by the amount of product being utilized, you are getting ripped off with the DIY stuff.  Most people realize after they have already started applying their DIY stuff, that they will soon run out and have to make a quick run to the store and hope there is enough stock. Otherwise, you could end up with a rough-looking uneven bedliner. This doesn’t take into account your time and labor. Be aware that what you save in dollars over a professionally applied product may cost you in time spent doing the job and the end result may be a poor-looking job that provides limited protection. Let’s also not forget the fact that the DIY product is absolutely inferior to ArmorThane. It’s just like skipping a professional paint job for a spray can and hoping for the best.
    spray on bedliners vs diy coatings

    experience is everything

    When it comes to any urethane or epoxy-based coatings, like most bedliner material is, once you get into it there is no going back. It is important that the person applying this liquid permanent, rubber permanent material over your vehicle knows what they are doing. We have seen countless ruined trucks just because people wanted to save a few bucks. Just like we previously mentioned, many people will start applying and use more than the recommended amount (which is not much) and then have to stop to find more. 


    just how good is our product?

    When it comes to chemistry, not all polyurea products are created equal. ArmorThane takes its products very seriously. ArmorThane has been the best polyurea distributor for over thirty-five years.

    With a dedicated full-time Research & Development team, ArmorThane delivers the toughest spray-on polyurea material available in the industry. ArmorThane has doubled the hardness rating compared to competitors, offering superior impact resistance and tensile strength, resulting in outstanding abrasion resistance. Because the material is sprayed, there is a total encapsulation or complete seal, making the coating watertight.


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