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Everything You Need To Know About Manhole Linings


    Polyurea Coatings for Superior Repair and Protection
    Manhole and underground pipe coating process

    what are MANHOLE LININGS?

    Manholes are the unsung heroes of the urban environment. They provide vital access points into underground utilities, including water, sewers, telephone, electricity, storm drains, heating, and gas – the bedrock infrastructure of modern industrial societies. With more than 26 million manholes found in the United States alone, it’s a massive project in itself to help protect, maintain, and restore these critical but often overlooked pieces of our communities.

    Aging public infrastructure and a heightened demand for new construction require effective restoration and more robust solutions for future manhole installations. Polyurea spray elastomer technology offers a safe, convenient, and cost-effective solution for both the repair and protection of manholes. Dubbed “manhole linings,” these protective coatings provide corrosion protection, leak prevention, and structural reinforcement, creating higher performing and longer lasting manholes ready for the next generation of public infrastructure.

    polyurea protective

    Polyurea spray elastomer technology uses sprayable, in-situ formulations of polyurea to create a durable protective coating that’s resistant to physical and chemical weathering and abrasion. Polyurea coatings are extensively used across industrial and commercial settings, from industrial flooring to secondary containment strategies and even blast mitigation. Their popularity stems from their robust and highly tunable physics properties, resisting strong impacts or frequent abrasion, as well as chemical corrosion from sources like groundwater or industrial chemicals. They’re also quick and easy to apply, curing within minutes to form a lasting watertight barrier ready for rigorous operational demands and to brave the elements whether it be sunshine, groundwater, or even flying debris. The cherry on top is that polyurea is also safe and environmentally friendly, as it’s 100% solids, and with no solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Together, this makes polyurea protective coatings the perfect technology for manhole linings, protecting and restoring manholes to maintain modern societies and conserve precious taxpayer dollars.
    polyurea protective coating in a tank


    Manhole linings have become crucial to more effectively restore and maintain manholes. Without them, restoration projects become inevitable sooner rather than later, and risk major disruptions that can cause chaos in local communities. For new construction, manhole linings ensure their safe and long term performance, saving on costs and improving our urban environments.

    Corrosion Protection:
    Polyurea protective coatings create a robust barrier that insulates manholes from the harsh physical and chemical environments common in their operation. This includes protection from the effects of moisture, wastewater, industrial chemicals, strong abrasion, or heavy loads. They also help avoid leaks, and provide structural reinforcement that helps ensure their safe and effective performance for years to come.
    Cost Savings:
    Protecting manholes with polyurea manhole linings reduces the need for timely and resource-intensive repairs and replacements. For aging infrastructure in desperate need of repair, polyurea manhole linings function as a robust repair solution that minimizes downtime and reduces personnel and materials costs. For new construction, their early application ensures a maximal operating lifetime and a minimum need for maintenance or repair, saving huge on costs.
    Leak Prevention:
    Like most things, overtime manholes will develop cracks or gaps that can lead to damaging water infiltration, or oppositely, risk environmental contamination through the release of waste like sewage or unprocessed chemical effluents. Manhole linings can easily seal such openings, cracks, or crevices to keep what’s in, in, and what’s out, out.
    Structural Reinforcement:
    Polyurea manhole linings impart manholes with unmatched strength and protection. Their unique properties include high flexibility and tensile strength, making them perfect for supporting coated structures and protecting from even the harshest forms of abrasion or impact.

    Manhole linings are a type of protective coating used to repair and preserve manholes for safer, longer operation. They’re made of durable polymer materials like polyurea, which possess robust and highly modular physical properties that resist most types of physical abrasion and chemical corrosion. The same coating technology is used across many different industrial applications, and can help save time and money all while improving performance.

    Strictly speaking, manhole linings are not absolutely necessary. For most of their history, manholes have been left unprotected, which is part of the reason why today we see so many in desperate need of repair and replacement. Manhole linings offer to protect manholes while providing structural reinforcement, and are being used now more than ever to repair and protect manholes across the country.

    Polyurea is among the most common industrial coating technologies used today, which reflects its almost universally beneficial properties. Polyurea is highly resistant to weathering and abrasion, and can be used as a quick and convenient repair tool. It’s only continued to dominate the protective coatings industry, making it one of the best solutions for manhole linings.


    ArmorThane has been a full-service operator for over 35 years, providing our customers with a one-stop-shop for everything polyurea and polyurethane. We formulate, manufacture, distribute, and apply specialty polyurea coatings for many different industrial applications, and are ready to help tackle your next manhole lining project. And if you’re looking to find a foothold in the coatings industry, we offer startup packages complete with comprehensive training, giving you everything you’ll need to augment your current business or begin your new career as a professional applicator. Contact us today to learn more about how ArmorThane can help you succeed in your next manhole lining project, and discover how we can be your partner in the coating’s industry.
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    I am a chemist with a specialization in nanotechnology and applied materials chemistry. My work has focused on the characterization of optoelectronic materials, namely including semiconductor nanocrystals.


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